Age Friendly Community

The goal is to promote an "Age-Friendly Community" that caters to the needs of all ages. This committee welcomes volunteers from all communities within the Labrador Straits Region.
Our "Pay-it-Forward' initiative allows our volunteer members to make a positive impact and influence on the lives of others by spreading kindness to everyone.
Southern Labrador Development Association (SLDA) have partnered with volunteers from various organizations and groups in the Labrador Straits region and formed the advisory committee to bring focus to the 'Age-Friendly Community".
SLDA thanks volunteers from the Labrador Straits area who partnered to form this Committee:
- 50+ Forteau
- Anglican Parish of Forteau
- Association for New Canadians
- Community Youth Network-Labrador Straits
- Home Care Labrador South
- Living Waters Pentecostal Church
- Social Butterflies 50 Plus (50+) Club
- SLDA's Senior Services Office
- SLDA's Welcoming Communities Strategy
- Town of Pinware
- Town of West St. Modeste
The Committee welcomes volunteers from all communities in the Labrador Straits Region.
This project is supported by the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development AND Southern Labrador Development Association (SLDA).
Active aging, as a lifelong process, supports seniors of today and tomorrow. An age-friendly community is one where the physical and social environments enable people to live in a secure setting, enjoy health and participate in society regardless of age.
The Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program builds upon the age-friendly communities' global movement initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and endorsed by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). This movement aims to meet the demands of the world's aging population/demographic shift by encouraging the establishment of policies, services and structures that promote healthy aging and wellness across the lifespan.
Inclusive communities are ageless. Creating inclusive communities is a shared responsibility, with roles to be played by various levels of government, community planners, volunteers, and the business sector.

Welcome Kits for Newcomers and Returning Residents!
We have a Welcome Kit for You!
Please complete the short questionnaire below to receive your kit.
Relocating can be both thrilling and overwhelming; our Welcome Kits include local information about the services and resources available here, along with a local crafted item. We hope this kit will help you feel at home and connected with our communities in the Labrador Straits region.
This initiative is supported by SLDA's Volunteer Age-Friendly Committee through SLDA's Seniors Services office and Welcoming Communities Initiative.